Friday, August 7, 2009

Canyon Tuna Charter Day Troll 8/6/09

8pm Wednesday the 5th of August we had the Mike M. charter of five aboard for a day canyon troll. After looking over the SST charts I decided to run for the Toms canyon we took our time lots of floating debris out there this season, for our customers safety , I extended the day canyon trolls to 20-22 hours long to make up for the slower ride out at night. We had lines in @ 4:45 am found some nice temp breaks holding some bait but no fish trolled around for a couple hours and found the fish picked trough some cookie cutter 25-32" fish. We put 7 keeper yellows in the boat and added one yellow that was 60lb and a 10 pound mahi mahi and a 30 pound mahi mahi. Great group great trip.

Our dates are booking up fast let us know if you are interested in getting out for some of this great tuna fishing..... Reports of tuna being caught on the night chuck we have our next trip leaving august 14th. 30 hour overnighter I will report as soon as we get in...

Capt. Rich 732-688-8804

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